Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 3 notes

Class discussion: Using video in Foreign language classroom
The article was written in 2000, some people said it is not updated since it is all about common sense. However, back in time in 2000, using video in teaching was not common. Using video in teaching can bring students' interest however it is not garanteed that it will benefit L2 learning.
Surrey: video extreme services. pull up a catalog of a video and show your class. Ability to use video in the classroom has become much easier. Can even give students the link so that they can watch it from home.

Day 3:
Using existing "video" to teach:

Teaching with video takes students around the world, make people, learn culture, new ideas and back to history.

Good for visual learners.

Tips for getting the most out of video

• Before viewing: preview, select, know your hardware.
• During viewing: pre-load, a focus, pause and question.
• After viewing: consolidate new information, investigate, incorporate. ( a focus question for kids to think, * the purpose of vieweing the video)  Some creative thinking questions sound fun for students.
You need to purchase PPR rights to show a class a video. ie,  $5 save ways = $200 panalty.

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